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What kind of care does your child have immediately after birth?

Your baby's health care providers check their baby immediately after birth to make sure it is healthy and adjusts to life outside the womb.

  • ·         He checks his muscle tone, heart rate, skin color, reflexes and breathing. Most babies are healthy and do not need special medical care.

  • ·         Keeping Your Baby's Skin Your skin helps keep your baby warm and allows you to bond with one another. You can also start breastfeeding.

  • ·         Your baby gets bumps and drops to protect her from the health conditions that can harm newborns.

  • ·         Your baby receives screening tests for newborns to check for serious, but rare, conditions that a baby may have at birth.

newborn baby

   What kind of care does your child have immediately after birth?

Within minutes of the baby's birth, health care providers check it to make sure it is healthy and stable. suppliers:

Help your baby breathe. Your healthcare provider wipes mucus from your nose and mouth to help your baby breathe. He can rub the baby's back to help her breathe deeply.
Crying at birth is normal and helps the baby get rid of any extra fluid that may still be in the lungs, nose or mouth. However, not all children cry after birth. Maybe he can just breathe quietly.
 Some children, such as preterm infants (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) and children born under section c, may have breathing problems after birth and need additional help from their health care providers. A c-section (also called caesarean section) is a surgery in which your baby is born through a cut that your doctor makes in your belly and uterus.

Grab and cut the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord connected the baby to the placenta in the womb. He carried food and oxygen from the placenta to the child. Now, when your baby is born, he no longer needs the umbilical cord. 
Your child's provider or work partner can tighten and cut the cord. Most providers wait at least 30 to 60 seconds after birth to let blood from your placenta flow into the baby before the cord is tightened. This is called the delay in clamping the cords.
Keep the baby warm. Your baby may become slightly cold after birth. When a baby is born, it is moistened by the amniotic fluid in the womb. A provider dries their baby to help keep it cool. Your baby can be covered with varnish. This is a white, cheesy, waterproof substance that protects the baby's skin in the womb. Leaving the varnish on a baby's skin can help keep it warm and prevent problems such as weight loss and jaundice. Jaundice is when the baby's eyes and skin look yellow. It is caused when the liver is not fully developed or functioning. Your baby may not bathe for several hours to protect the varnish on her skin.

Get your baby's Apgar score. Your child's provider uses an Apgar score to check the condition of your child and to see how well they adapt to life outside the womb. Apgar test is done 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.

Apgar means:

    A - Activity. Your child's provider checks the muscle tone of your child.
    P - Pulse. Your child's provider is taking the baby's heart rate. A strong heart rate is more than      100     beats per minute.
    G - Grimace; reflex. Your child's provider places a syringe with bulbs in your nose and checks if your child, sneezing or coughing, responds to a type of upset.
    A - Appearance. Your child's provider looks at the color of your child's skin. A baby's skin can be pale or blue until it warms and turns pink.
    A - Breathing. Your child's provider checks your child's breathing and hears a loud cry.


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